The Courageous Journey

Hi, I’m Lisa!

I want to put my heart out here and invite you to join me in a Courageous Journey of your own–one in which we can find God, ourselves, and learn what love truly is. 

To my dear friends recovering from a lifetime of spiritual abuse, I will add: let’s heal together. You are not alone, and, while your journey may not look like anyone else’s, it is still a very real (and challenging) journey. You are not alone; you are Courageous! 

  • Testing

    Testing 1, 2, 3… Read more

  • This is an Experiment

    So to start this experiment, I’m going to answer the question: “WHAT 5 THINGS ARE ALWAYS ON MY GROCERY LIST?” (A very innocuous question, by the way…) The top 5 things on my grocery list are: Egg whites -Greek Yogurt Spinach Mushrooms Frozen veggies And there you have it, Ladies and Germs! The Top 5… Read more